
Posts Tagged ‘Mike Katz’

Greg Lavelle has launched a new ad in response to the radio ad recorded by Mrs. Katz that claims her husband missed meetings in 2012 because he was still recovering from his December 2010 ski lift accident.

Charlie posted Mike Katz’s Sunset Committee attendance the other day.   It’s hard to believe that if he is truly still injured that he missed more meetings in 2012 than in 2011.    Plus he has the option to attend via phone and didn’t.

And a simple Google search shows Dr. Katz is able to get around just fine and participate in normal activities:

On June 23, 2011 he was able to attend an awards dinner to hand out congratulatory proclamations at the Medical Society of Delaware.    Dr. Katz looks fine in the photos on their website.

And here is  Dr. Katz in a September 2011 video talking about electronic health records – he doesn’t seem injured or otherwise incapacitated.

Dr. Katz also looked good on 7/18/2012 when Gov. Markell endorsed him at Kim’s Cafe in Hockessin.  (photo on left from Community News).

So Lavelle points out that Katz missed 54% of the meetings he gets paid $3,852 to attend in 2012.    Then Katz lets his wife record a whiny radio ad where she talks about his near death ski lift accident and Greg Lavelle is evil for pointing out that he’s missing meetings 2 years later.   Give us a break, Mrs. Katz!

Katz and Lavelle are set to debate tomorrow (Fri 11/2/12) on WDEL 1150AM at 3pm.   Greg Lavelle was on yesterday to discuss the Mrs. Katz radio ad (click to listen).   Tune in tomorrow to see if Dr. Katz shows up for the debate!

If Katz does show up, Alex Pires would like him to do some Tom Carper style pushups to prove he’s medically fit to serve another term.

Here is Lavelle’s new ad:

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Doc Mike Katz is running a radio ad defending his lack of attendance in the General Assembly — especially his Sunset Committee meetings for which he is paid a stipend. In his “defense” ad, his wife claims with outrage that Doc Mike is being improperly maligned. You see, he had a skiing accident in 2011 and hurt his back. He couldn’t possibly make these meetings with his injuries.

Doc Mike’s Sunset Committee Attendance
Attendance 2009 2010 2011 2012*
Present 9 9 6 5
Absent 5 0 3 6
% Missed 35% 0% 33% 55%

* Note: In 2012, 2 of the meetings at which Doc Mike was counted as “present”, he “called in”. How long he stayed on the line and his focus on the transpiring events, especially any witness testimony, is questionable.

Doc Mike’s skiing accident was in December 2010, and he missed the January 2011 meeting — understandable. He then was able to attend the 2/10 meeting, the 2/17 meeting, the 2/24 meeting, the 3/3 meeting, and the 4/7 meeting — 5 meetings in a row!! He then missed 2 of the last 3 meetings. Well after the ski season. Plus 2011, for Doc Mike, was a relatively strong attendance year. Oops!

Calm down Doc. Just stick to the truth. You skipped the meetings and still took the pay. Good gig if you can get it.

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So the DSEA weighs in with a mailer for Doc Mike Katz. Doc Mike is, evidently, the “right decision”. Frankly, I think that you should call Doc Mike per the instructions of the mailer @ 302-735-1781. The problem is that when someone picks up the phone, it is likely going to be Darryl or Carol Scott, because the number on the mailer is not Doc Mike’s number. Check the link to the White Pages

Oops, but that’s just poor proof-reading and kind of funny. It’s that the piece is out-right wrong that is the problem…

The piece says that Doc Mike:

  • Supported necessary school funding to prevent teacher layoffs and keep class sizes at reasonable levels.
  • Voted for uninterrupted construction of new schools

However, Doc Mike voted against the Bond Bill in 2011 (The only NO vote in the Senate), and against Budget bills in both 2011 & 2012.

Therefore, Doc Mike did NOT vote for uninterrupted construction — to the contrary, he voted against it! And, unless the DSEA is now endorsing no salary increases or program expansion, he voted against the “necessary funds to prevent layoffs & keep reasonable class sizes”…

So I guess that means that the DSEA is now either 1) endorsing no pay increases for their members; 2) they’re just lying about Katz for political reasons or 3) they just replaced Darryl Scott’s name with Doc Mike without updating the copy to reflect Doc Mike’s actual voting history.

In truth, I have to assume that it was item 3 in the list, but the piece is still outright wrong.

Is being fraudulent in a mailer a campaign finance violation??? Call Doc Mike and ask? Oh, yeah, you can’t not only because the number on the mailer is wrong, but Doc Mike has an unlisted number (How’s that for constituent service?)…

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Confused or Desperate?

Seems like every intersection is covered with signs for the Sept 11th Primary.  But what’s up with all the Mike Katz signs?   He doesn’t have a primary.

Maybe he’s confused and still thinks Dee Durham is after him.   Or maybe he’s just desperate because he knows he hasn’t done much for his district and faces a tough general election opponent in State Rep Greg Lavelle.  Remember Katz only won his seat in 2008 by 292 votes (11,296 Katz, 11,004 Clatworthy).  And that was with the Obama Hope & Change tidal wave.

Also seems Katz is touching the third rail of 19807 politics – Stoltz.   He is proudly displaying his 4×8 sign in front of Barley Mill Plaza.  Everyone else (except KSPAN – who is also confused and/or desperate) chose to use another corner of 141 & 48.

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4th district State Senator Dr. Mike Katz, a Democrat from Centreville, apparently isn’t getting enough love or money from his fellow Democrats.

Today the Republican State Committee received a fundraising letter from Dr. Katz at their Lancaster Pike office.

Here’s a scanned copy we were sent via email.

There are rumors circulating that Katz is planning on switching from Democrat to Republican.   Maybe these photos will come off his website soon?

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